
2010 Toronto Motorcycle Show

As some of you know I'm an instructor with Learning Curves, and our fearless leader Don asked us to volunteer and come on down to man the booth down at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. I asked for Saturday as it fit in with my plans for the weekend.

  • Friday: be a lazy s.o.b.
  • Saturday: Volunteer for Learning Curves aka "FREE ADMISSION!!!"
  • Sunday: see Friday
The Amsoil girls!

So I stood in the booth and accosted people walking by in the aisle and asked them if they had their motorcycle license. If they showed interest, my mission was simply to get them to sign a waiver, get them kitted out by our volunteer staff, and onto a bike and coached by Don or Ginny, then switch around and do some coaching myself. The day went by so quickly that the shots of friends you see here were stolen in fits and snatches while on break or on my way out the door.

Why would I thank Don and Peter for having me volunteer my day away? Because it was fun, and it's always a pleasure to be involved with these guys.

I found parking! Whoot!

I just couldn't resist.

Neither could Marcel.

The bikes will be over here...

The hot tub and wet bar over there...

Where's the gas tank? Where's the motor?

Where's the key? :D

ETR working hard or hardly working

Honda Canada in association with Learning Curves set up a rider training area in the loading dock, and the result was we got a ton of waivers signed, and huge amounts of happy riders that got some basic instruction and got to ride around for a while.

I have friends in low places.

Paul takes branding a bit too seriously

Two lovely ladies selling Amsoil the old fashioned way.

I'm not sure what she was selling, but I had my wallet out.

My friends drop in to say hello.

Our alumni drop in to say hi. :)

Tire kickin' with Eric

This Honda two fitty probably handles better than my KLR. :)


  1. Hey Ronnie.....your goona need a bigger riding jacket soon eh.....lol


  2. Nah, it turns out I don't need the spare tire any longer. ;)


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