
2013 The East Point ride

Stewart Pond at low tide
 Saturday was a perfect day for riding, so of course I spent the day lazing about the apartment. When the forecast calls for rain on a Sunday, that's when I roll!

And I'm very glad I did, for I had a wonderful ride that had me stopping time and time again for just one more picture. That to me is the perfect ride, and fall on the Island brings with it an incredible beauty that awes me every time I experience it. That, and being on a well designed 650cc adventure bike, and you have the perfect day.

More later, I'm off to work on a Monday!
Crapaud PE to East Point PE via Greenwich Prov. Park

looking up river towards Route 13


This is my nephew posing for the picture before heading home across the empty potato fields

    The view along the Clyde River near Cornwall PE

It's an Eagle, one of four I saw on my ride today.

Blueberry fields in October

This road pretty much leads to potato fields and provincial parks

The boardwalk leads you through the sensitive dunes to the beach on the East shore of the Provincial park

These wind swept pines had me reminiscing about my trip to Newfoundland 

Gazing out towards the dunes from the boardwalk

There is so much more colour at this time of year

The grass keeps this sand in place, otherwise it gets blown further inland

Are they rose hips?

Route 16 is a fairly fast run with sweeping curves and beautiful fall colours

Don't kid yourself, as I cropped out the fish factory to make it look isolated like this. 

The camera barely captured the ocean in the distance

Priest Pond Creek

Campbell Campground off of Route 16. Oceanside camping

East Point lighthouse

The Pirate Cafe is closed as of today, and i watched the last bowl of chowder being served up as i sipped my coffee

The Isle de Madeleine ferry out from Souris

If you want the following shots, you have to climb down this

Yours truly

This is what the sea does to concrete. Notice the rebar?

The lighthouse as seen from the beach

My fiance would have loved this ride. 

Getting back up to the top wasn't as bad as I thought.

Basin Head Provincial park

Perhaps it's stopped raining over there?

Victoria, I'm almost home

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